3 Quote Signs That Will Inspire You to Clean Your Home

Cleaning is a real drag, we know. But with the current pandemic, hygiene in the home is an absolute priority! If you need a little encouragement to grab the mop and fire up the vacuum cleaner, our home signs should do the trick. Each has a vibrant design and a witty quote to put a smile on your face while you make your home sparkle.

This hilarious bathroom sign that'll make you "roll" over laughing

Changing the toilet paper is a seemingly difficult task for some folks. So give the culprit a subtle hint with this funny quote sign that'll hopefully save you a job. It's an apt choice for those who managed to stockpile the essentials before being quarantined!

This remove shoes sign for when you're ready to welcome guests again

When your self-isolation period is finally over, maintain your new A-rated level of hygiene with this welcome sign. It prompts guests to take off their shoes when they enter your home - not just to keep the floors spotless but to prevent the spread of bacteria.

This witty butler and maid quote sign that'll add a touch of class

This funny quote declares that the help has quit and, well, the housework won't do itself! It'll give you the chance to take a well-earned rest and who knows, it might even inspire other family members to do their bit (no promises).

This not so motivational quote sign for when it all gets too much

Is there any better advice during troubled times than "keep calm and drink wine"? It's a motto we could all use right now! Hang up this sign, crack open a bottle, and make the most of being stuck at home. It's also available with a beer design if that's your drink of choice.

Here at Fun Sign Factory, we hope you and your families are healthy and safe during this unprecedented outbreak. Take care of yourselves and each other!

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